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Anyone using Citrix servers can find utility in gaining virtual access to an entire network

Anyone using Citrix servers can find utility in gaining virtual access to an entire network

Vote: (2 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Citrix


Works under: Windows

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(2 votes)





Works under:

Also available for


Android Mac


  • Provides virtual access to dozens of different professional softwares, such as data visualization, drawing, and audio apps
  • Doesn't require user have additional space for downloading actual software to their specific machine
  • Allows user to access software and information from any device as long as they have valid login information


  • Can be slow and laggy when used on older machines
  • Prohibitively expensive for individual users

Citrix Receiver is a desktop application that allows users to access a variety of different paid and free softwares. By providing remote access, Citrix creates a virtualized hosting environment where users can interact with distinct softwares without loss of functionality.

Though Citrix is often conflated with one service, it's better thought of as a whole ecosystem of distinct products. There are different Citrix receivers for Android, Blackberry, iPhone, MacOS, Windows, and Linux devices.

Citrix Receiver works through something known as the HDX Protocol on the ICA Protocol. To put it simply, the ICA protocol sends keyboard and mouse command inputs from the user's device to a remote device in a server that's able to handle the request. Additionally, the HDX protocol provides a graphical interface that mimics the environment of whatever software the user is currently interacting with.

The main benefits of the Citrix app is that users don't have to shell out money for expensive, bulky software components from other manufacturers. Rather, users can generate the exact same utility from their device through the virtualized Citrix environment. Citrix workspaces can even be ported from the user's desktop to their phone or other devices, since all that's required for access is a valid login.

Many users utilize Citrix in order to secure access to data visualization applications, the Windows operating system, or professional drawing applications. There are dozens of different apps that users can add to their Citrix workspace for endless pairing options, no matter the space available on their actual machine.

The one consistent drawback to Citrix is that it can be very slow. Depending on the age and working memory of your device, Citrix may cause significant lag that makes it a pain to use properly. Citrix should be used on robust, commercial operating systems in business environments in order to provide a properly virtualized experience.

Moreover, Citrix is notorious for being prohibitively expenses. Most individuals aren't willing to chip into the high price of the software, so its use is almost exclusively limited to universities and businesses.


  • Provides virtual access to dozens of different professional softwares, such as data visualization, drawing, and audio apps
  • Doesn't require user have additional space for downloading actual software to their specific machine
  • Allows user to access software and information from any device as long as they have valid login information


  • Can be slow and laggy when used on older machines
  • Prohibitively expensive for individual users